AHCN America - The New Dimension In Health Care
Affordable HealthCare Network – America (AHCN) is a professional network of medical and health service providers who have lowered their prices so you can receive the medical care you need. We are not an insurance network.
The owners of AHCN have operated imaging centers in Florida for more than 50 years. In 2010 they started to notice a change in their business. On average, they were losing about one patient per day at one of their four locations because patients could not afford the test their doctor ordered. Either they had no insurance or their deductible was too high, meaning the patient had to come out of pocket for the tests.
The solution was Affordable Medical Imaging, it accepted no insurance, offered affordable, transparent imaging pricing and didn’t turn patients away. The results were amazing. Soon they began seeing patients who would drive hours and hundreds of miles for imaging tests they may have otherwise ignored.
As word of Affordable Medical Imaging spread, they realized other medical service providers were facing the same dilemma and often had to turn patients away. That is when the idea of a local network of health care providers who offered affordable transparent pricing, with no insurance required and who would not turn patients away was established. It’s called, the Affordable HealthCare Network – America (AHCN). A completely transparent health care network that creates a win-win for providers and YOU and YOUR FAMILY or BUSINESS.
Ready To Join Your Neighbors Already Saving Thousands of Dollars?

It’s YOUR HEALTH and in todays’ America you should not have to ignore it because the health care service you need is going to cost too much. Health Care in our country should not be reserved for the wealthy or the poor. ALL AMERICANS should be able to receive the medical services they need or desire. Here at AHCN we have medical service providers who care and are ready to help you TODAY!
It’s YOUR CHOICE when it comes to where you receive medical services. Affordable Healthcare Network – America (AHCN) screens providers before allowing them to join your network. Next time you are in need of local health care services, make sure to choose wisely by checking with AHCN – America before you go anywhere else.
It’s YOUR MONEY – you work hard for your money. When the time is now and you need medical care today make sure you are not spending more than you have to. Have you ever needed medical care and you called one hospital or medical facility after another to get a price for services? Often times you are either placed on-hold transferred more than once and then stuck leaving a message for someone to help you? Here at Affordable Healthcare Network – America (AHCN) you simply MAKE ONE CALL! That’s to (844) 822-AHCN (2426)