Medical Advocacy Program (MAP)
As a member of AHCN America, you will benefit from our Medical Advocacy Program, MAP®.
How would you like a nurse to help you choose the best doctor to perform your upcoming surgery or procedure? The one with a proven track record of success? We have access to that information for our AHCN members.
In fact, Map is the only advocacy program that uses licensed nurses as the ONLY point of contact for participants. As an AHCN member, we will help you get the best care, from the best providers, for the best prices at no additional cost. When you need medical services, as a member you will call us first!
Our job is to educate and empower you to make the most educated medical decisions. We give you a choice of preferred doctors recognized as the top 5% based on skills, outcomes, and costs. We don’t work for doctors or insurance companies, we work for you! For example, you might call an orthopedic physician or a chiropractor for low back pain. But after you speak with one of our Nurse Advocates, they may determine that you may have another medical condition such as a possible kidney problem. They would then recommend that you should see and internist instead. Don’t you want a nurse helping guide your health decisions?

After the Nurse Advocate determines what is needed, our Research Analysts identify the right provider for you. Only 15% to 20% of physicians nationwide meet our MAP® criteria. As a result, you will be steered to the very best care available.
The MAP® Nurse Advocate is an unbiased, independent resource unaffiliated with any other healthcare provider or insurance company. We are motivated by our genuine care for helping you. We want to build on-going relationships with you so when you need medical help, you trust us to help you get the best care. To receive the best care available at the lowest cost, become a member of AHCN America today.

How it works
Step 1:
Call us at (844) 822- AHCN (2426) Prompt 4 to connect with your personal Patient Advocate.
Step 2:
Your Patient Advocate will listen and evaluate your needs.
Step 3:
Your Patient Advocate will provide you with the best medical options available.